EmerginC Tinted Blemish Control

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For oily, combination, or breakout-prone skin to help with skin concern such as active breakouts, redness associated with breakouts, and congested skin.


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This emerginC Tinted Blemish Control is a potent spot drying treatment with that rapidly improves breakouts associated with oily/problem skin. It helps with active breakouts, redness associated with breakouts, congested skin.

Ingredient Highlights

Colloidal Sulfur : Composed of finely-ground sulfur particles, usually in a gum base, colloidal sulfur is widely used for its healing, calming, and antibacterial properties. It is excellent for oily and breakout-prone skin types, as well as skin problems like eczema and dermatitis.

Zinc Oxide: An effective, natural sun block that provides a physical barrier against the sun’s rays. Zinc oxide also helps to control excess sebum production and is excellent for healing wounds and blemishes.

Camphor: Derived from the cinnamomum camphora tree, camphor naturally provides cooling and healing benefits to skin.

Salicylic Acid: A beta hydroxy acid that exfoliates dead skin cells, softens skin, improves breakouts, and helps reduce the appearance of blackheads, fine lines, and wrinkles.


To Use : 1-2 times a day, shake then apply on breakouts and/or problem areas.

Weight : 20ml

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